We provide valuation services, or business appraisals, for a variety of reasons.

Our services range from performing appraisals in connection with gift and estate tax matters, to assisting business owners with their succession plans. Appraisals are also used in determining the fair value of ownership interests in arbitration or mediation situations such as those involving shareholder disputes, buyouts or divorce.

Our goal is to provide quality services within the time frame disired by you.

Please review the topics in the sidebar for informaiton about the phases of an appraisal and what you can expect when you hire Sullivan, Ltd.

Business Valuation Overview

Define Objectives

The business appraisal process usually involves several distinct phases.
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Gather Data

The next phase is data gathering. We typically provide you and your CPA and/or other advisors with a detailed
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There are three overall approaches that the business appraiser uses in estimating the value of the ownership interest
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Meet with Management

After our analysis of the data provided by you, we meet with you and other key management of the business to discuss your expectations about the long-term growth of the business and other matters.
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Data Analysis

Our analysis of the financial information provided by you will include
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Estimate Value

In this phase the valuation analyst performs various valuation calculations and makes judgments on the weighting to be assigned to the results obtained from the various approaches and methods.
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Communicate Results

Depending on the purpose and objectives of the business valuation, the value estimate may be communicated in a written report or orally.
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