After our analysis of the data provided by you, we meet with you and other key management of the business to discuss your expectations about the long-term growth of the business and other matters.
Business valuation is often described as being as much of an art as science. Part of the 'art ' involves guaging the future of the business, where it is headed, and what a hypothetical buyer can reasoably expect the business to generate in earnings and cash flows.
There is a fair amount of judgement the appraiser must apply. Informed judgement brings the best results. Therefore, our meetings with you and management are extremely important to gain a better understanding of the strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the company and its industry.
By meeting with management we also have the opportunity to see the company's operations first hand, which is often critical in determining what sets the company apart from its competition and to determine the unique aspects of your company.