Data Analysis and Valuation Calculations

Our analysis of the financial information provided by you will include:
  • A comparison of historical results of operations and financial position, typically for five years, to identify trends in the company's earnings, cash flows and financial position.
  • A comparison of the company's operations and financial position to similar-size businesses in the same industry to further identify the company's strengths and weaknesses. Key operating ratios are developed for past operations and compared to similar-size companies to identify trends and strengths and weaknesses of your business.
  • The preparation of common-size, or percentage basis, balance sheets and income statements of the company for several years, and a comparison to information on similar-size businesses.

We believe that reviewing this information with you and other key managers of the company provides you with tools to benchmark your company's business to others of similar-size. Knowing your company's strengths and weaknesses should also prove beneficial in your planning and developing strategies to maximize value.
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